​​​​ Lienroc Perm Reg'd Vizslas Selectively Bred, Puppies Occassionally
BPISS BOSS BVISS CH Gardenway Lienroc Beatrice FDJ
Sire: SH CH Aust CH Hungargunn Bear Itn Mind
KC/BVA Scheme 6/6
Dam: Barleycape Golden Willow of Gardenway
KC/BVA Scheme 6/7
November 15, 2006 - July 12, 2022
Height: 22 inches
CHIC #56406
CERF #VZ-876/2008-24 "Clear"
OFA Hips #VZ-11188F25F-VPI "Fair"
OFA Elbows #VZ-EL1012F25-VP "Normal"
Thyroid #VZ-TH375/28F-VPI "Normal"
Ryka came to us in January 2007 from Jackie Perkins Gardenway Kennel in England. Her dam is Barleycape Golden Willow of Gardenway (Willow) and her sire is the beautiful and famous Australian import Sh Ch and Australian Ch Hungargunn Bear It'n Mind (Yogi) who won consistently at shows since he arrived in England in July 2005. Yogi won the Gundog Group at Crufts, March 2009 and then won Best in Show at Crufts, March 2010.
Ryka began her show career at 6 months old and gained her championship at 10 1/2 months old. She is a lovely sweet dog with beautiful conformation and movement. She loves the show ring, the field and obedience classes. She is showing great promise in the field and has earned Field Dog Junior title. We are now training to pursue a Field Dog title. Ryka is always owner/handled.
Ryka is now retired from breeding and makes an occassional appearance in the show ring at Specialties.
Her accomplishments to date include:
Best Veteran in Sweeps and Best Veteran in Specialty at the Vizsla Society of Ontario Specialty, 2016 (Sweeps Judge, Tammy Parris, Specialty Judge, Frank Washabaugh)
Best Veteran in Sweeps at the Vizsla Society of Ontario Specialty, June 2014, (Judge Gordon Hayburn)
Best of Opposite Sex and Best Field Bitch at the Vizsla Society of Ontario Specialty, June 2012 (Judge Dr. Tammas Jakkel, Hungary)
Best of Opposite Sex at the VSO Booster October 2010 (judge Martin Doherty)
Made the final cuts for breed at the VSO Specialty (judge Stephen Danaird) and the Vizsla Canada Specialty (judge Judith Taylor) July 2010.
Completes her FDJ Title at the VSO Field Test May 2009
#7 Vizsla in Canada for 2008
Best of Opposite Sex at The Purina National March 2008 (judge Jackie Browning)
Best of Breed at the VSO Booster and a Group 4th December 2008 (judge Carmen Haller)
Group 4th at the St. Catharines show in August 2008 (judge Richard Fehler)
Group 3rd and Best Puppy in Group at the St. Catharines show in August 2007 (judge Kay Eldred)
Best Puppy in Specialty at the VSO Specialty in July 2007 (judge Christina Hubbell)
Best Puppy in Breed at the Vizsla Canada Booster in July 2007 (judge Stephen Hubbell)
Multiple Best of BreedsMultiple Best Puppy in Breed