​​​​ Lienroc Perm Reg'd Vizslas Selectively Bred, Puppies Occassionally
GCh Lienroc Just By Chance AOM FDJ FD NAVHDA NA Prize 3
Sire: CH Golden Empire's Return to T CD MH AXJ NA
Dam: CH Gardenway Lienroc Beatrice FDJ
Date of Birth: April 17, 2011
Height: 24.5 inches
Chance's accomplishments include:
Ashtabula Kennel Club, Madison, Ohio - Owner/Handled Best of Breed, Owner Handled Group 4
Vizsla Society of Ontario Specialty, June 2014 - Award of Merit,
Judge Patricia Nemirovsky
May 2014 - Completed his Field Dog Title (owner handled & trained)
June 2013 - Completed his GCh Title (Lienroc's First Grand Champion)
Brittany Spaniel Field Test, Fall 2012 - Completed Field Dog Junior Title
Ontario Grand River Chapter NAVHDA May 2012 - Prize 3
Purina National March 2012- Best of Winners and New Champion
Burlington KC September 2011 - Best Baby Puppy in Group at the Show under Judge Cheryl Myers Egerton